Baoyun Yang

Yang Baoyun 杨保筠 is a researcher in Indian and Taoic religions, as well as Chinese foreign relations history at University of Peking, School of International Studies (SIS), Beijing, China, an adivsor to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Beijing, and a visiting professor in ASEAN history at Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University, Thailand.
His PhD thesis at Peking University in 1981 dealt with Funan, and was titled: “Présentation générale de l’histoire du Funan, Première étude sur la forme sociale du plus ancien État du Cambodge.” In 1982 – 1983, he attended Bernard-Philippe Groslier’s lectures at EHESS, Paris. In 1995, he presented a summary of Chinese studies on Cambodia to the ‘Colloque de Phnom Penh sur la langue et culture khmeres’, an international gathering attended by most of the specialists in Cambodian archaeology and history.
- Contribution à l’histoire de la principauté des Nguyên au Vietnam méridional (1600−1775), Geneve, Olizane, 1992.
- “Nouvelles etudes sur l’ouvrage de Zhou Daguan”, in Recherches nouvelles sur le Cambodge, ed. F. Bizot, EFEO, 1994. [text initially written in 1983]
- “Les relations historiques avec la Chine et le Cambodge”, Péninsule 34 (1), 1997.
- “ ‘Confiance et prudence’ : la diplomatie chinoise au début du XXIe siècle”, Revue internationale et stratégique 44(4), Nov. 2001.
- “La Chine et la Russie”, Outré-Terre 4 (3), Aug.2003.
- “China and Asia-Europe Relations”, International Studies 42(3 – 4):347 – 355, Sept. 2005.