Maps & Plans
We're building our online collection of maps related to Angkor and Southeast Asia civilizations.
- Angkor Area
- Cambodia in the 16th-18th centuries
- Cambodia in the 1860s
- Cambodia in the 1910s-1940s
- China, 19th century
- French Indochina
- Indochinese Peninsula, Ancient Times
- Mainland Southeast Asia, 1850s-1860s
- Mekong River
- Siem Reap
- Siem Reap River
- Zhou Daguan itinerary from China to Angkor, 13th century
- Angkor Area
- Siem Reap Area, by Angkor Conservation, circa 1954, Showing the complex orography of the area, and the density of "historic villages" around the temples (source: Banyan, EFEO online library, FCA/2/DG/870)Siem Reap Area, by Angkor Conservation, circa 1954, Showing the complex orography of the area, and the density of "historic villages" around the temples (source: Banyan, EFEO online library, FCA/2/DG/870)Carte archeologique de la Region d'Angkor [Map of Angkor Region], 1939, "d'apres les travaux de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, de l'Aviation Militaire et du Service Geographique" | 1/40,000 scale | source:gallica.bnf.frCarte archeologique de la Region d'Angkor [Map of Angkor Region], 1939, "d'apres les travaux de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, de l'Aviation Militaire et du Service Geographique" | 1/40,000 scale |
- Cambodia in the 16th-18th centuries
- Ancient Portuguese, Dutch and Italian Maps, 16th-18th centuries, focused on CambodiaAncient Portuguese, Dutch and Italian Maps, 16th-18th centuries, focused on Cambodia
- Cambodia in the 1860s
- Carte des embouchures et du cours du Cambodge jusqu'au Grand lac de Bien Ho, 1863 [Cambodge River from its estuaries to Bien Ho Great Lake], fron L.A. Bonard, "Exploration du Grand Fleuve du Cambodge, RMC, 1863Carte des embouchures et du cours du Cambodge jusqu'au Grand lac de Bien Ho, 1863 [Cambodge River from its estuaries to Bien Ho Great Lake], fron L.A. Bonard, "Exploration du Grand Fleuve du Cambodge, RMC, 1863Frontieres francaises du Royaume du Cambodge, 1867 [French Borders of the Kingdom of Cambodia], L.A. Bonard for French Minister of the Navy and Colonies, 1867 []Frontieres francaises du Royaume du Cambodge, 1867 [French Borders of the Kingdom of Cambodia], L.A. Bonard for French Minister of the Navy and Colonies, 1867 []
- Cambodia in the 1910s-1940s
- Carte archeologique de la Region d'Angkor [Map of Angkor Region], 1939, "d'apres les travaux de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, de l'Aviation Militaire et du Service Geographique" | 1/40,000 scale | source:gallica.bnf.frCarte archeologique de la Region d'Angkor [Map of Angkor Region], 1939, "d'apres les travaux de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, de l'Aviation Militaire et du Service Geographique" | 1/40,000 scale |
- China, 19th century
- French Indochina
- French Indochina Population Density Map, in Brenier, Economic Atlas, 1913French Indochina Population Density Map, in Brenier, Economic Atlas, 1913French Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Cambodia), 1896, in Henri Ponchalon, Souvenirs de voyage et de campagne 1858-1860, Tours, 1896 (via Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Cambodia), 1896, in Henri Ponchalon, Souvenirs de voyage et de campagne 1858-1860, Tours, 1896 (via
- Indochinese Peninsula, Ancient Times
- Mainland Southeast Asia, 1850s-1860s
- Henri Mouhot's Itinerary in "Central Indochina", 1862, map 1, Initially published in JRGS 1862, reproduced in Travels..., 1864; 2 panels edited by Tieng Satya, 11/2024.Henri Mouhot's Itinerary in "Central Indochina", 1862, map 1, Initially published in JRGS 1862, reproduced in Travels..., 1864; 2 panels edited by Tieng Satya, 11/2024.Henri Mouhot's Itinerary in "Central Indochina", 1862, map 2, Initially published in JRGS 1862, reproduced in Travels..., 1864; 2 panels edited by Tieng Satya, 11/2024.Henri Mouhot's Itinerary in "Central Indochina", 1862, map 2, Initially published in JRGS 1862, reproduced in Travels..., 1864; 2 panels edited by Tieng Satya, 11/2024.
- Mekong River
- Carte des embouchures et du cours du Cambodge jusqu'au Grand lac de Bien Ho, 1863 [Cambodge River from its estuaries to Bien Ho Great Lake], fron L.A. Bonard, "Exploration du Grand Fleuve du Cambodge, RMC, 1863Carte des embouchures et du cours du Cambodge jusqu'au Grand lac de Bien Ho, 1863 [Cambodge River from its estuaries to Bien Ho Great Lake], fron L.A. Bonard, "Exploration du Grand Fleuve du Cambodge, RMC, 1863
- Siem Reap
- Center and East of Siem Reap Province, 1910., Aymonier and Sorin, in Le Cambodge II: Les Provinces siamoises, 1910.Center and East of Siem Reap Province, 1910., Aymonier and Sorin, in Le Cambodge II: Les Provinces siamoises, 1910.
- Siem Reap River