Khmer Art Worldwide

A note from Andy Brouwer

This personal project kicked-off in November 2020, initially to document the public collection on display at the National Museum of Cambodia. To begin, I drip-fed my findings on Facebook and seeing such a positive response, I have expanded my project to include Khmer artworks in the museum collections around the world. I have not attempted to explore private collections globally, since they are mostly hidden behind a veil of secrecy.

Even museums and public art collections do not always identify (or know) the origin of artifacts, or their history (provenance) as collectible works of art. Please enjoy this catalogue – Exploring Khmer Art Worldwide. If you have any remarks, additional information or corrections, email hidden; JavaScript is required.”

Angkor Database is happy to host this quest for Khmer art worldwide, particularly important at a time when the restitution of major pieces to their countries of origin has become a major topic in international news.