Ellen Hsieh

Ellen Hsieh 謝艾倫 is an Assistant Professor at National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Anthropology (Taiwan) specialized in History of maritime trade and Southeast Asia.
A research associate to the National Museum of the Philippines, her PhD dissertation considered Early Spanish Colonialism in Manila, the Philippines: An historical archaeological viewpoint (UCLA, 2017). An alumna of University of California in Los Angeles, she joined in 2016 the TBT (Two Buddhist Towers) Project, an UCLA research project developed at Preah Khan of Kompong Svay (Bakan).
At Tsing Hua University, she has recently taught courses in Archaeology of Port Cities, Southeast Asia: Archaeology, History, and Culture (undergraduates), and Contemporary Archaeology Theory, Public Archaeology, Archaeological Methodology, Ceramics in Global History, and Archaeology of Colonialism (graduates).
At Bakan in 2016