Etienne Lunet de Lajonquiere

Portrait of Etienne   Lunet de Lajonquiere

Étienne Lunet de Lajonquière (8 Aug 1861, Rodez, France — 23 Dec 1933, Saint-Sigismond, France) was a French Naval Infantry officer, explorer and geographer, author of the first comprehensive Atlas Archéologique de l’Indochine (1901) and, ten years later, the first Inventory of Angkor monuments following initial recensions by Aymonier. 

In 1893, he befriended Louis Finot on the cruise ship back from France after a holiday break in his military career, and joined several archeological prospection journeys organized by EFEO across the Peninsula, Malaysia and Java.

In addition to his archeological and cartographical works, he published numerous travel accounts, including « De Saigon à Singapour par Angkor, autour du golfe du Siam » (Le Tour du Monde, Paris, 1910).


Photo: Lunet de Lajonquiere and Finot near Ta-Prohm circa 1900 (source EKA)


The map completing Lunet de Lajonquiere’s 1911 Inventaire des Monuments historiques de l’Ancien Cambodge (source: EFEO)