Jana Igunma

Portrait of Jana   Igunma

Jana Igunma is Ginsburg Curator for Thai, Lao and Cambodian at the British Library, London, UK.

After graduating from Humboldt University Berlin with a MD in Southeast Asian History in 1996, she worked in various research and cataloguing projects in Germany, specializing in Thai, Lao, Cambodian and Shan manuscripts.

More recenty, Jana Igunma contributed to various exhibition projects at the British Library and the British Museum, London, and on behalf of SEACOM (Southeast Asia Communication Centre, Berlin) at various locations, including the University of Hamburg, URANIA e.V. Berlin, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, the Wellcome Collection, London, the Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden.
A list of her publications is available online.