Lia Genovese

Portrait of Lia   Genovese

Lia Genovese is an independent researcher specializing in the archaeology of French Indochina, the Plain of Jars and other megalithic expressions in Laos and the region. Her current projects include a critical biography of the French archaeologist Madeleine Colani.

With a PhD from SOAS University of London, Lia has lectured at Thammasat and Silpakorn Universities in Bangkok, at SOAS-University of London and in Cambodia. A member of the Siam Society’s Lecture Committee, and the recipient of the IPPA Professional Prize awarded in November 2022, she has published in various academic journals and magazines.

Among her latest publications: The Plain of Jars: Mysterious and Imperilled, Global Heritage Fund, May 1, 2021.

Lia also contributes to the website The Fashion and Design Club.