Paul Fuchs

Paul Fuchs (1936−19 Dec 2023, Pezenas, France) was a French agricultural engineer and a journalist who served as HM King Norodom Sihanouk’s press attaché in the 1960s, and contributed to Agence Khmere de Presse (AKP).
He researchedd and covered numerous royal ceremonies and popular festivals in Cambodia from 1964 to 1969, observations he gathered in his Fetes et Cérémonies Royales du Cambodge d’hier (1991).
Before his arrival in Cambodia in January 1960, he was based as officer of French Colonial Supply Corps successively in China, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Kenya, Senegal, Vietnam, Guinea and Haute Volta (now Burkina Fasso). In 2006, he founded in Pezenas L’amicale des Globe-Trotters piscénois (AGP), over which he presided until his death in 2023.