Paul Lavy

Portrait of Paul   Lavy

An associate professor at University of Hawaii Manoa, Paul A. Lavy received his BA in cultural anthropology and his MA and PhD in South and Southeast Asian art history. He taught ancient art history at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, and Asian and Islamic art history at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 

His ongoing research, which has been funded by the University of Hawaii Research Council, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Asian Cultural Council, and the National Security Education Program, investigates the links between art/​architecture and political history in early historic Southeast Asia, primarily the Hindu-Buddhist artistic traditions associated with the Mekong Delta and Preangkorian Khmer civilization, and their relationships with the art of South Asia. He is currently researching and writing a book on early sculpture from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, The Crowned Gods of Early Southeast Asia.