Pitchaya Soomjinda

Pitchaya Soomjinda พิชญา โสมจินดา is Associate Professor of Art History, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. A former student of Achan Piriya Krairiksh– a pioneer in Thai arts studies — at Thammasat University, he focuses on Khmer art and iconography, and on the premodern and transitional periods of most recent history.
He has published widely in Thai, his most recent book being อิทธิพลของอภัยคีรีวิิหารต่อพุทธศิลป์ลัทธิมหายาน‑ตันตรยาน ในเอเชีียตะวิันออกเฉีียงใต้ [Influences of Abhayagiri Tantric Mahāyānā Buddhist Art in Southeast Asia] (2022).