Ujjwala Anand Palsuley

Dr. Ujjwala Anand Palsuley (b 29 Apr, Maharashtra, India) is a Conservation Architect in the field for over 20 years as a Practitioner, Researcher, and Academician, who has worked on various World Heritage Sites for UNESCO’s nominations and conducted Workshops, Research & Projects in 16 countries, including Cambodia.
After working with various eminent architects and organizations, she started Samrachanā ‑Heritage Conservation & Research Initiative, to focus on key aspects of Indian heritage.She has frequently visited Angkor Archaeological Park since 2012, surveying sites such as Kbal Spean, Ta Keo, Bakeng, Banteay Samre…
An alumna of the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi (Architectural Conservation), and Lunds University, Sweden (Conservation Management of Historic Buildings), she doctored in Southeast Asian Architectural History, with a special focus on Khmer Architecture, Cambodia, and Dravidian temple architecture.
Her research papers are published and presented at International Conferences which include her presentations at the University of Oxford and Lunds University, Sweden along with many renowned organizations in India like IGNCA, ICCS, ICOMOS etc. In 2023, she published Cambodia: India outside India, Decoding Khmer Architecture (COPAL Publishing Group, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India).
In January 2024, Dr. Palsuley held a photographic exhibition on the theme “Ramayana in the context of Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia”. See the Madya Pradesh News video dispatch “भगवान श्रीराम सिर्फ भारतीय संस्कृति तक ही सीमित नहीं बल्कि दुनियाभर के कई देशों होता है उनका स्मरण [“Lord Shri Ram is not limited only to Indian culture but remembered in many countries around the world.”]