Walter Aschmoneit

Portrait of Walter   Aschmoneit

Walter Aschmoneit (b. 1941) is a global historian and development expert who worked in Cambodia during the crucial phase of reconstruction, from 1994 to 1998.

He studied political science, history, agricultural economics of the Third World and Chinese language at Heidelberg University, Hanover College (Indiana, USA), Free University of Berlin, Fu-Ren University (Xinzhu,Taiwan) and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. 

From 1978, he taught and led research on the history of social movements in East and Southeast Asia at University of Osnabrück, Germany, the historic coty where the 1648 Peace of Westphalia treaty was negotiated.

Adviser on economical and agrarian development in China (19871989) and Cambodia (19941998), he has published on China, Cambodia, intercultural communication and development cooperation.


  • Berliner Hefte. Heft 1: Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik. McCarthyismus: Politische Unterdrückung in USA Aktio Silberpfeil: Kommunistenjagd in Hamburg…, Berlin, Kantstraße, 1976.
  • [ed. with Rainer Werning] Kampuchea : Lesebuch zur Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Politik, SZD-Verlag, 1981.
  • [ed. with Michael Daxner] Krieg Und Frieden, Osnabrücker Vorlesungen 1983 – 1984, Osnabrück, 1984.
  • Kambodscha 8586: Aspekte zu Religion und Politik”, SOA-Information, Apr. 1986, p
  • [contrib. to] Remaking Peasant China, Problems of Rural Development and Institutions at the Start of the 1990s, En del af fagområdet Østasienstudier, Flemming Christiansen, Jørgen Delman og Clemens Stubbe Østergaard eds.,1991, ISBN 87 7288 294 8.
  • Village population statistics of Cambodia : the UNTAC electoral data of 1992, processed for development planning, [with Jochen Thoma], Phnom Penh, 1995.
  • Literature on Cambodia, Bibliography in progress, Osnabrück/​Kompong Thom, 1992 (draft III kept at CKS Library)
  • Zhou Daguan — Aufzeichnungen über die Gebräuche Kambodschas, Berlin/​Osnabrück, 2006.