William Willets

William Young Willetts (28 Nov. 1918, Purton Stoke, UK-30 Jan.1995, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) was a British researcher in the field of South-East Asian and Chinese art studies, who served as curator of the National University of Singapore art museum from 1963 to 1972.
A specialist in ceramics, he was a leading force in the launching of the Southeast Asian Ceramic Society. From 1972 to his passing, Willetts was the Curator of the Muzium Seni Asia, the Museum of the Arts of Asia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Among his numerous publications is the posthumous An Angkor Roundabout: Being a Five-Day Tour of the Main Monuments at Angkor in Cambodia, (released online by SEACS in 2017).
On this photo dated 1967 or 1968, in Singapore, William Willetts stands right of the Reverend Seck KONG Hiap (source: Peatix)