Tonle Sap: The Heart of Cambodia's Natural Heritage

by Colin M. Poole & Eleanor Briggs

A geographical, historical, ecological survey of the 'Great Lake'.

Tonle Sap Poole 2006 Cover

Type: hardback

Publisher: River Books Press, Bangkok

Published: 2006

Authors: Colin M. Poole & Eleanor Briggs

Pages: 172

ISBN: 9749863151

Language : English

ADB Library Catalog ID: GEO-PHO3

It all started on the banks and the crystal-clear waters of the Tonle Sap Lake, heart and pulmon of Khmer and Cambodian societies through the ages.”

A trip to this unique ecosystem and its floating fishermen villages is essential to a better understanding of how the Angkorian demographic and social structures could develop.

The authors are both specialists in wildlife observation and conservation, especially birds, and the Tonle Sap area is definitely an ornithologist´s paradise. On the other hand, traditions, legends and daily life of the human communities around the vast lake allow us precious glimpses on what could have been the mores and activities at the peak of the Angkorian civilization.

Tags: water, Tonle Sap, wildlife conservation, society, birds, fishing

About the Authors


Colin M. Poole

Colin Poole, Asia Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society based in New York, is the managing director of the WCS Asia Regional Conservation Hub in Singapore, providing technical and programmatic supervision of WCS programs in China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore and Vietnam.


Eleanor Briggs

Eleanor Briggs, an award-winning photographer, has worked mostly in Southeast Asia and India since 1989, photographing people, nature and most specifically birds. In Cambodia, she managed to photograph a family of Giant Ibis birds, species thought to be extinct.

In 2008, she was awareded the Sahametrei Medal from the Cambodian government for her contribution to wildlife conservation.