Les ruines d'Angkor | Piano & Text

by Philippe Larsen & Ezaka Rakotondramanana

A poetic and musical musing through the ruins of Angkor.

Ruines Angkor Ezaka Larsen

Published: 2018

Authors: Philippe Larsen & Ezaka Rakotondramanana

Language : French

The text read by the author comes from Fukishima apres la pluie, Esquisses (Unayok Editions, 2016, 130 p., digital edition 2019 ASIN B08285Q1YD), a series of travel sketches.

Angkor’, the chapter read in this audio file, speaks of a creative rebirth: Des ruines d’Angkor s’écrivit une résurrection, la mienne.’ [From the ruins of Angkor a resurrection has been written, my own rebirth.] A fleeting love story with a Khmer girl, Kun-Thea, leaves l’empreinte d’un amour qui passera les saisons seches abrité sous des feuilles de palétuvier, qui résistera aux épisodes des pluies (…), une empreinte qui s’inscrit a l’infini.’ [the imprint of a love that will spend the dry seasons sheltered under mangrove leaves, and resist the outbursts of rain (…), an imprint that inscribed in infinity].

Audio excerpt from the performance Fukushima, après la pluie — un livre, un piano”, texts by Philippe Larsen, composition and piano by Ezaka Rakotondramanana.

Tags: music, literature, modern French literature, travelogue

About the Authors

Philipp Larsen

Philippe Larsen

Philippe Larsen is a French-Swiss writer who has published two books and various texts in European cultural magazines.

Ezaka Rakotondramanana

Ezaka Rakotondramanana

Ezaka Rakotondramana is a French music composer and teacher of Malagasyi origin who teaches piano and composition to young students in the Montpellier area (South of France).

Exploring various forms of music and theater, she is also a singer and a performer with a the Compagnie Arcturus, co-founded with writer Philippe Larsen.
