Nectar in Stone | The India-Cambodia Artistic Connection
An Indian TV film devoted to Indian-Cambodian connection in visual arts

Published: 2005
Language : English
Since it was produced by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, this television documentary on the historical links between Cambodia and India quite expectedly stresses similarities between the two cultures in architecture and visual arts, with an emphasis on pre-Angkorean (Roluos), Cham (My Son) and Angkorean monuments.
The film (written and directed by Roy Daniels) was initially designed to describe connections between Indian and Cambodian performing arts, too, and famous Odissi dancer and filmmaker Ranjana Gahaur was invited to Cambodia. However, only short footage at the Royal Ballet School and Chaktomuk Performance Hall was retained at the end of the final version.
Photo: Lolei Temple, part of Roluos group (
Tags: Indian influences, Indianization, architecture, sculpture, Champa, Roluos