The Sculptors
Sculptures, bas-reliefs, frescoes, through archives and publications during Angkor's rediscovery.
Tags: sculpture, bas-reliefs, frescoes, Khmer art

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Beyond enjoying the visual feast provided by the Khmer sculptors through the centuries, this photo-collection of period photographs, drawings and lithographs allows us to
- retrace the history of major pieces, sent to museums for exhibitions or repairs;
- follow through times the development of archeological discoveries and restoration process;
- in some instances, study the details on bas-reliefs and frescoes captured by photographers or artists before suffering the damages of weather, time or looters.
Archimages collections of photographs and documents are posted on Angkor Database with their original label codes.
If you wish to obtain high resolution files and/or professional prints for one or several of these images, please email Archimages email hidden; JavaScript is required with the label code(s) in the Subject line, and your requirements (print format, shipping…).