Princess Norodom Buppha Devi, The Soul of the Cambodian Royal Ballet

Ceremonies for the anniversary of Princess Norodom Buppha Devi (1943-2019) passing, November 2020.

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Intense emotion and solemnity during the ceremonies for the first anniversary of Princess Buppha Devis passing. The daughter of King-Father Norodom Sihanouk has guided generations of dancers and given a new energy to the ancestral Royal Ballet of Cambodia with choreographies that marveled audiences worldwide.

Accompanied by mourning relatives, the Royal Ballet dancers, ballet mistresses and musicians, and dignitaries, the ashes were carried from the Princess’ residence to the Wat Prei Prang pagoda, on the road to the royal city of Oudong. They were deposited in a sanctuary until the completion of the stupa (funerary monument) in homage to the soul of the classical dance rebirth in post-war Cambodia.

Tags: dance, Royal Ballet, Royal Family