"Bringing the past to life".

Published: 2011
Language : English
Launched in 2011, HERITAGEDAILY is a platform enriched by a dedicated team of historians, archaeologists, writers, and researchers, “who are committed to delivering accurate, independent, and insightful content about our rich global heritage. Our mission is to bring the past to life, making history and heritage accessible to everyone. We believe that understanding our shared human history is essential for fostering a deeper appreciation of our cultural diversity and the world we inhabit today.” (from the online presentation).
Archaelogy, palaeo-anthropoloy, anthropology are the main themes of richly-illustrated contributions. A “Biographies” section offers portraits of intriguing historic figures, for instance Locusta, “the notorious Roman poisoner”. There is also a “Travel” section suggesting spots for the discerning cultural tourist.
Several papers are dedicated to Angkor.
The print edition is HERITAGE MAGAZINE (bi-annual).
HeritageDaily is part of the HeritageCom group of brands. — Contact Address: HeritageDaily LTD — Suite/Unit 40 17 Holywell Hill, St Albans, Herts, United Kingdom, AL1 1DT.
Tags: archaeology, popular history, history, prehistory