Southeast Asian Archaeological Bibliography
A useful tool for bibliographical research, including "Looking for" labeling.

Published: 2002
Languages : English, French, Thai, Dutch
The Southeast Asian Archaeological Bibliography was first created by the Ban Chiang Project at the Penn Museum and was first put online and made publicly available in 2002. Since then the project has collected over 17,000 bibliographic citations on all aspects of SEAsian archaeology, with many related citations on the archaeology of China and India, along with general references to archaeological theory. Most references are to English-language material, but also includes French, Dutch, and Thai-language references.
Over 17,000 bibliographic references on Southeast Asian, Indian and Chinese archaeology.
The bibliographic project is now run by ISEAA (the Institute for Southeast Asian Archaeology), using a specially-designed database engine, Archaeobib, derived from the Omeka platform. It is required to register in order to acceed to all functionalities.
Tags: bibliographies, research tools, research resources, Southeast Asia, reference documents