Ceramic Collection and Conservation from the Preah Vihear Area
by Sokha Tep
Report on ceramics conservation and scientific course for staff training at the Eco-Global Museum, June-August 2013

Publication: Report of the joint mission (Ceramics Conservation Lab, Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) and Department of Monument and Archaeology, Preah Vihear National Authority) for the training of three staff members at the Preah Vihear Eco-global Museum Lab, Eco-village, 25km from Preah Vihear temple
Published: 2014
Author: Sokha Tep
Pages: 38
Languages : English, Khmer
pdf 3.1 MB
Exploring several areas close to the Preah Vihear temple, RUFA Ceramic Conservator Sokha Tep (with assistant Em Dany) presents various artefacts retrieved in surrounding ancient settlements, and traces their origin to identified kilns.
About Preah Vihear itself, the author notes that “Preah Vihear architecture is identified by a specific style, such as the decoration of collonels, lintels, frontons, statues and bas reliefs. Eight kings who built the Preah Vihear temple: Yasovarman I (889−900 AD.), Jayavarman IV (921−944 AD.), Rachjendravarman (944 – 968AD.), Jayavarman V (968−1001 AD.), Sorysavarman I (1002−1050 AD.), Udayaditvarman II (1050−1066 AD.), Jayavarman VI (1080−1107 AD.), and Surayavarman II (1113−1150 AD.). Architectural evidence suggests Kings Yasovarman I, Surayavarman I and Surayavarman II were the major kings who built the temple. Additional evidence indicates the eastern stairway which is linked to Gopura 5 was probably built after Gopura 5 was constructed and dried pond at flank of a mountain. Futhermore, research by the Department of Monument and Archaeology has found a trace of an ancient road near the Touch temple which some researchers suggest may have been a hospital in the reign of King Jayavarman VII (mid- 13th century).”
Photo: observing ceramics from the Top Chey kiln (author’s photo)
Tags: Preah Vihear, ceramics, kilns, archaeology, Cambodian archaelogists
About the Author

Sokha Tep
With a BA degree in archaeology (2002), Tep Sokha has studied Ceramics Conservation and Restoration with Prof. Bonnie Baskin, American Ceramics Conservator, since late 2002 until 2007. In 2014, he worked on several archaelogical sites with Prof. Nancy Beavan.
As an independent scholar, he has joined numerous projects in Ceramics Conservation and Restoration, in particular at Prohear and Sophy sites, Phnom Borei, Prei Phkoam, Kok Patri, ceramics from settlements at Preah Vihear Zone Protection, Jar Burial Sites in the Cardamom Hills, Koh Sdech, training students in the field.
He is the Ceramic Conservator at Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.