Chronologie des Rois du Cambodge | Kings of Cambodia Chronology

by Angkor Database

From Antoine Brébion's Dictionnaire de Bio-Bibliographie, Paris, 1935

Suryavarman Ii

Publication: ADB Reference Documents #13

Published: 2021

Author: Angkor Database

Pages: 3

Language : French

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This list was initially created by Georges Maspero in his essay L’Empire Khmer, Phnom-Penh, impr. du Protectorat, 1884, p. 118.

Photo: Famous representation of King Suryavarman II សូរ្យវរ្ម័នទី២ (?- 1150), son of Ksitindradity and Narendralakshmi, on an Angkor Wat bas-relief. 

Tags: Khmer Kings & Queens, Khmer dynasties, Khmer history

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