Les habitants d'Angkor, Une lecture dans l’espace et dans le temps des inscriptions sociales de populations villageoises installées dans un territoire ancien [Inhabiting Angkor Area]

by Fabienne Luco

The complex and inspiring story of communities dwelling near the Angkor temples.


Publication: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Published: 2016

Author: Fabienne Luco

Pages: 744

Language : French

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Conclusions d’une vaste these d’anthrophologie sociale et d’ethnologie presentant une lecture dans l’espace et dans le temps des inscriptions sociales de populations villageoises installées dans un territoire ancien”.

In her summary, Fabienne Luco synthetises her innovative approach of the dynamics of cultural transmission”.

Tags: Modern Cambodia, cultural legacy, oral traditions, anthropology, ethnology

About the Author


Fabienne Luco

A respected anthropologist based in Cambodia since the 1990s, Fabienne Luco studies oral traditions, mythology and social structures in modern Cambodia, retracing them up to the Khmer Antiquity. Her PhD essay is a thorougful yet lively analyzis of the spiritual and social dimensions of the Khmer communities living in the immediate vicinity of the Ancient Temples of Cambodia.