Glossary for Angkor Lovers and Researchers

by Angkor Database

From 'acharya' to 'yuga', we collect and explain the many archeological, historical, architectural, cultural and religious terms related to Angkorean research.


Publication: ADB Resource Documents 1 | First version: Jan 2019 | Latest Update: September 2022

Published: January 2019

Author: Angkor Database

Pages: 39

Languages : English, French, Khmer, Chinese, Portuguese, Sanskrit, Thai, Lao, Pali, Vietnamese, Tamil, Old Khmer

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This is the first attempt to provide a comprehensive Lexicon-Glossary of Angkor-related terms, with etymological roots and Khmer transcription.

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This lexicon is uploaded on ResearchGate platform, see here.

Tags: lexicon, glossary, architecture, archaeology, religion, Khmer Empire, Khmer civilization, art, research resources, dictionary, linguistics, etymology, ADB resources, ADB Documents

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Angkor Database

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