Films Photos Indian Prime Minister J.L. Nehru visit to Cambodia, October 1954 [and related photos]
The 1954 historic diplomatic tour by a a photogenic leader, Pandit Nehru.Publications October 1954: J.L. Nehru Goes To Angkor
Seventy years ago, Prime Minister Nehru went to Angkor Wat and Banteay Srei during a diplomatic mission which took him to China, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.Photos Visions of Angkor by....Germaine Krull
A major modernist photographer and globe-trotter captured several Angkor temples in 1960-1962.Photos Visions of Angkor by...Mimi Palgen-Maisonneuve
Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents.Photos Andy Warhol's Sketches of Angkor
When the Pop-Art Superstar in-the-making was visiting and drawing Angkor in 1956.