Cecyl Holliday

Portrait of Cecyl   Holliday

Cecyl Holliday (who signed her contributions to The Mid-Pacific Magazine Mlle. Cecyl Holliday”) was a French teacher at Maui High — the first English-speaking high-school in Honolulu, inaugurated in 1913 –, an interpreter and a trustee of the Pan-Pacific Union.

In 1926, she was awarded in Honolulu the Annamite Order of Kim Boi, a distinction honoring ladies of special merit or exceptional services”, from the Emperor of Annam. The decoration was presented to her by the Consul-General of France, Auguste Marques, for her contribution to the success of the first Pan-Pacific Food Conservation Conference.

She was invited to visit Indochina in 1929 and traveled to Angkor. Ten years earlier, Cecyl Holliday had composed the Alma Mater” (school song) of Maui High, still sung by students nowadays during school ceremonies.

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