Matti Kummu

Matti Kummu is Associate professor at the Department of Built Environment, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, specializing in Hydrology, Geoinformatics (GIS), Climatology, Irrigation and Water Management, local scale challenges and opportunities on water-energy-food nexus, particularly in Southeast Asian context.
He co-authored various studies on Tonle Sap Lake, in line with the aim of reflecting on the ever-growing pressure on water and land resources, and quantifying the potential of different measures, such as diet change, food loss reduction, emerging non-meat protein sources, and yield gap closure, to sustainably increase the food availability globally.
In 2008, he co-authored the essay “Did Traditional Cultures Live in Harmony with Nature? Lessons from Angkor, Cambodia” with Terry Lustig, Christophe Pottier and Roland Fletcher.
Photo by Mikko Raskinen (2020)