Nicolas Revire

A specialist in Southeast Asian Buddhism, Early Art and Archaeology studies, Nicolas Revire is post-doctoral research fellowship at the Art Institute of Chicago since early 2023, after lecturing at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand, and being a guest lecturer at Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Bangkok, for more than 20 years.
With a research focus on Buddhist iconography and Dvāravatī with special focus on Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, Nicolas Revire has contributed several articles and reviews in the Journal of the Siam Society and other academic publications, and translated numerous scholarly publications from Thai and English into French.
He edited (with Stephen A. Murphy) Before Siam: Essays in Art and Archaeology (2014).
- Related Publications
- Facts and Fiction: The Myth of Suvaṇṇabhūmi Through the Thai and Burmese Looking Glass
- Iconographical Issues in the Archaeology of Wat Phra Men, Nakhon Pathom
- Pierre Dupont’s L’archéologie mône de Dvāravatī and Its English Translation | and the Translator's Response
- Facts and Fiction: The Myth of Suvaṇṇabhūmi Through the Thai and Burmese Looking Glass
- 世紀末南重倚坐佛像起源 勻(老播研究新視野 | Origins of Bhadhrasana Buddha Statues throughout Southeast Asia (7-8th centuries)
- Two Narrative Buddhist Steles
- Glimpses of Buddhist Practices and Rituals in Dvāravatī and Its Neighbouring Cultures | 淺談墮羅鉢底及其鄰近文化之佛教儀式