Penny Edwards

A Professor at the South and Southeast Asia Studies Departmen, University of California at Berkeley (USA), a writer and translator, Penny Edwards specializes in history of literature and Buddhist studies.
In 2022 – 2023, she was granted a sabbatical to work on Ephemeral Angkor, a cinematic and literary history of twentieth century Cambodia, and Kindred Spirits, a group biography of four women.
Her translation into English of Seth Polin’s iconic novella L’anarchiste is to be published by Gazebo Books, Australia, in 2023.
Penny Edwards has taught the courses ‘Southeast Asian 190: Love Craft: Epic Romance of Southeast Asia’ and
’South and Southeast Asian Studies C275: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha: History and Modernity in Theravada Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka.’
She is the author of the reference book Cambodge: The Cultivation of A Nation 1860 – 1945. (2008: University of Hawai Press).