中国古籍中的柬埔寨史料 [Cambodian Historical Data in Chinese Ancient Books]

by Collective

A compilation of references to Cambodia (or Zhenla, Funan, etc) in Chinese ancient chronicles

Chinese Sources Compilation 1

Type: paperback

Publisher: 河南人民出版社 | Henan People's Publishing House

Published: 1985

Author: Collective

Pages: 391

Language : Chinese

Compiled at the start of the decade 1980s, this compendium of ancient Chinese sources about Cambodia was initiated by historians Chen Xiansi, who would later publish several studies on South Asia, and Xia Nai.

As expected, the relation of Zhou Daguans travel to Angkor in 1295 – 1296 is a salient part of this anthology, but many less-known references take us further than the sources usually explored by Western orientalists. 

作者 (Authors) : 陈显泗, 许肇琳,赵和曼,詹方瑶,张万生 (Chen Xiansi, Xu Zhaolin, Zhao Heman, Zhan Fangyao, Zhang Wansheng)

中国古籍中的柬埔寨史料, the title of the book calligraphed by historian Xia Nai

Tags: Chinese sources

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