Books Books โจวต้ากวาน, บันทึกว่าด้วยขนบธรรมเนียมประเพณีของเจินละ เฉลิม ยงบุญ [Zhou Daguan's Records of the Customs of Zhenla,Thai Translation]
The author of this informed translation penned it in 1967 from the available Chinese version of Zhou Daguan's 真臘風土記 [A Record of Cambodia, its Land and its People]. In his preface, he noted that in…Books 中国古籍中的柬埔寨史料 [Cambodian Historical Data in Chinese Ancient Books]
A compilation of references to Cambodia (or Zhenla, Funan, etc) in Chinese ancient chroniclesBooks Description du Royaume de Camboge
The Description of Chenla in Chinese sources (in particularly Zhou Daguan) as seen by a French OrientalistLinks ChinaKnowledge
A useful online resource on Chinese history, literature, religions and philosophies.Books Chinese Sources of South Asian History in Translation, Vol 1
First volume of the monumental work led by Indian scholar Haraprasad Ray, collecting "Data for the study of India-China relations through history."Books The Empire Looks South: Chinese perceptions of Cambodia before and during the Kingdom of Angkor
Probably the most exhaustive study on Chinese descriptions and perceptions of Cambodia in pre-Angkorean and Angkorean times.Publications L’intérêt linguistique des transcriptions chinoises concernant le Cambodge ancien (Fou-nan et Tchen-la) [Linguistic Interest of Chinese Transcriptions Related to Ancient Cambodia]
Novel insights on Funan and Chenla as reflected in Chinese chronicles, by a renowned linguist.Books 柬埔寨通史 | The History of Cambodia
A reference essay on Cambodian history and culture by Chinese historian Duan LishengLinks
Online library for access to Chinese books and articles | 用于访问中文书籍和文章的在线图书馆Publications 关于《真腊风土记》的作者周达观 | About Zhou Daguan, Author of "Zhenla Fengtu Ji"
Who really was Zhou Daguan, the first chronicler of Angkor at its peak in 1296 CE?Publications North-Western Cambodia in the Seventh Century
Reconstructing the geographical and political entities in the "Chenla of the Land" and "Chenla of the Water" areas during pre-Angkorean times.Books Le Royaume de Champa | The Kingdom of Champa
Mainly based on Chinese sources and local inscriptions, the formidable study on the Kingdom of Champa and what it tells us about AngkorBooks 柬埔寨通史 | The History of Cambodia | Paperback
A reference essay on Cambodian history and culture by Chinese historian Duan LishengBooks Description du Royaume de Tchen-La
First Western compilation and temptative translation of Chinese sources on Chenla (Cambodia)