លោកហង់រីម៉ាហ្សាល់, ស្ទើរមួយជីវិតដើម្បីអភិរក្សជួសជុល និងស្រាវជ្រាវតំបន់អង្គរ, Henri Marchal
A portrait of Henri Marchal, "the most Cambodian of all famous French archaelogists"

Published: 2019
Language : Khmer
A video clip recalling the life and work of archaeologist and architect Henri Marchal, in Khmer language.
The fact that Marchal lived for many years with his Khmer wife, Nang Nev, and had a daughter with her, Jeanne-Sally (born 1924) is not mentioned.
A ពីនេះពីនោះHD (From Here, From There HD) production.
Tags: archaeology, Khmer architecture, EFEO