lakhon, lakhoan, lokhon, l'khon, lkhon
kh: ល្ខោន (l'khon), 'theater, dance' | fr. trans.: 'lokhon".
- Royal actress or dancer.
- ល្ខោនខោល l'khon khol, 'Masked theater', with a repertoire from the Reamker. In Cambodian masked theater, derived from ancient royal dance, each character bears a specific color: green for Ream (Rama), yellow for Preah Leak (Lakshmana), red for Seyda (Sita), white for Hanuman and its 18 monkey warriors, brick red for Krong Reap (Ravana), blue for Tupi (King of Buffaloes).
- ល្ខោនគែន l'kon ken, a theater and dance form developed during the first reign of King Sihanouk (1945-195), in which the ken, a traditional Mon-Khmer and Laotian reed music instrument, played a central part.
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