Visions of Angkor by...Aurélie Fischer by Aurélie Fischer The magic lens of a photographer in a class all of her own.
Angkor Seen From the Endeavor Satellite, April & October 1994 The short-lived satellite radar inspection campaigns over Angkor in 1994.
Visions of Angkor by...Tyta Buth by Tyta Buth When a tranquil Angkor site inspires inner peace, and reveals sculpted stones as a dreamlike tapestry.
Visions of Cambodia by...Léon Busy by Léon Busy 1,359 autochromes of Angkor, Phnom Penh, Tonkin and Cochinchina in the 1910s-1920s now online thanks to Musée Albert Kahn.
Visions of Angkor by...Lois Conner by Lois Conner Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents, a compilation of reference visual arts renditions of Angkor.
Visions of Angkor by...Carl Werntz by Carl Newland Werntz Photographic essays or paintings by famous or budding artists. A forum for creators, a compilation of reference visual arts renditions of Angkor.
Michael Vickery Photographing Cambodia in the 1960s-1980s by Michael Vickery Cambodia before the civll war as seen by anthropologist and historian Michael Vickery.
Visions of Angkor by...La Mo by La Mo Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents.
Anthro~Instas | Cambodia | Phoneography by Emiko Stock "The ethnographer notebooks" in Cambodia, 2015-2017
Cambodian Dancers by Sir Gerald Kelly (1937) In 1936, Irish painter Sir Gerald Kelly (1876-1972) visited Cambodia during a world tour with wife Lilian ("Jane"), and portrayed several dancers at the Dance…
Cambodge, Photographies de la Société de Géographie, GallicaBNF/ French Geographical Society Photographs of Cambodia The series Photographies de la Société de Géographie/Asie/Cambodge at Gallica/BNF
Five Ancient Khmer Art Pieces returned to Cambodia, September 2021 The first five statues and artwork from the Latchford Collection shipped back to Cambodia
Visions of Angkor by...Marie-Joseph Guesdon by Marie-Joseph Guesdon Linguist and geographer, Deacon Guesdon was also an amateur photographer who captured daily life scenes of Cambodia in the years 1870s and 1880s.
Visions of Angkor by...Jean Boulbet by Jean Boulbet When war refugees became the temple keepers...7 of the 37 Jean Boulbet's photographs kept at Bophana Center were exhibited in Jan.-Feb. 2021.
Visions of Angkor by...Kim Chhay by Kim Chhay Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents.
The Royal Ballet of Cambodia, Traditions and Challenges by Laurent Weyl A report on the famed dance company after the passing of its director and muse, Princess Norodom Buppha Devi.
Visions of Angkor by...Soeum Hoeung by Hoeung Soeum Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents.
Visions of Angkor by...Therese Le Prat by Thérese Le Prat Photographic essays by famous or budding photographers. A forum for young and confirmed talents.
Princess Norodom Buppha Devi, The Soul of the Cambodian Royal Ballet Ceremonies for the anniversary of Princess Norodom Buppha Devi (1943-2019) passing, November 2020.