KOD (Khmer Online Dictionary)

KOD has three types of Khmer dictionary (Khmer-Khmer, Khmer-English, and English-Khmer), witha full text search capability.

Woody Herb 2

The sources used by KOD developers: 

  1. Khmer-Khmer Dictionary (Chuon Nath, 1967) Version 2 by Buddhist Institute of Cambodia, with 18,947 entries with 17,664 head words. Total word count in the dictionary: 1,312,732. See top most frequently used words.
  2. English-Khmer Dictionary : Babiloo Open Source Project, with 32,997 entries. 
  3. Khmer-English Dictionary (Headley, 1997): SEAlang Library Khmer, captured 23,967 head words and 33,543 sub-entries 
  4. Drupal Khmer Translation — See Drupal –, with 3,594 entries. (Browse »)
  5. Joomla Khmer Translation — See Joomla –, with 918 entries. (Browse »)
  6. English-Khmer Glossary — Open Institute (Khmer Software Initiative), with 2,581 entries. (Browse »)
  7. Khmer Proverb and Translation — សុភាសិត និង ពាក្យស្លោក (ខ្មែរ — អន្តរជាតិ) ដោយ គុជ ច័ន្ទលី, with 1,437 proverbs and translations. (Browse ») (converted the original text from Khmer legacy font to Unicode using Khmer Converter 1.5.)
  8. Khmer Proverb Translation by Khmer Institute (http://​www​.khmerin​sti​tute​.org), with 300 entries.(Browse »)
  9. Civil Code 2007 Glossary, with 215 entries (Browse »)
  10. Khmer Oldies Song Data — Data mainly from Mietophoum production and other sources (3,191 entries), lyrics being segmented using dictionary-based maximum matching algorithm (Browse »)

An interesting feature is the Search by Topics, in particular with a glossary of vegetables, herbs and cooking spices in Khmer-English.

Tags: dictionaries, translations, linguistics