Books Books The Indianized States of Southeast Asia
The English translation of a reference book on Southeast Asia ancient historyPublications Early China and the Indian Ocean Networks
Early China’s interactions with the maritime world and the eventual emergence of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) as a leading naval power in the 15th century.Books Indian Cultural Influence in Cambodia
A reference study on early Cambodia, Angkor civilization and its links to Indian culture.Publications Политическая история и политическая организация раннесредневековой Индонезии (V–начало X в.) | Early Indonesian States, 5th-10th centuries
На островах Индонезии в V–VIII вв. сложились индиани-зированные ранние государства.Books A History of Early South East Asia
A major study on regional and global trade historic phases, their impact on development of polities and kingdoms around 1th-16th centuries Southeast asia.