Books Publications Early China and the Indian Ocean Networks
Early China’s interactions with the maritime world and the eventual emergence of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) as a leading naval power in the 15th century.Books Indian Cultural Influence in Cambodia
A reference study on early Cambodia, Angkor civilization and its links to Indian culture.Publications Политическая история и политическая организация раннесредневековой Индонезии (V–начало X в.) | Early Indonesian States, 5th-10th centuries
На островах Индонезии в V–VIII вв. сложились индиани-зированные ранние государства.Books Maritime Trade and State Development in Early Southeast Asia
A major essay on Southeast Asian trade roads and the growing involvement of agrarian States in worlwide commerce, 7th-14th centuries.Books A History of Early South East Asia
A major study on regional and global trade historic phases, their impact on development of polities and kingdoms around 1th-16th centuries Southeast asia.