Adrien Pannetier

Dr. Adrien Louis-Marius Pannetier (1873, Bordeaux, France ‑19??), a French colonial administration physician (‘médecin titulaire de l’Assistance médicale’) in Cambodia in the years 1900s, undertook numerous linguistic, anthropomorphological, sociological researches during his stay in French Indochina and Cambodia.
Often “critical of the Protectorate system”, according to Penny Edwards, Dr. Pannetier attempted to define a Khmer morphological type, contributed actively in improving public health, yet also authored a substantial Lexique Francais-Cambodgien វចនានុក្រមបារាំង‑ខ្មែរ Lexicon French-Khmer, collected proverbs and folktales, and left insightul observations in his Au coeur du pays khmer — notes cambodgiennes, completed in Saigon in 1918 and published in 1921.
Also by Dr. Pannetier:
1906. PRESCRIPTIONS D’HYGIÈNE A L’USAGE DES CAMBODGIENS (texte Khmèr). Pnom-Penh. Imp. du Protectorat.
1907. LEXIQUE FRANÇAIS-CAMBODGIEN. Auzac et Augier, Avignon.
1914. CONFÉRENCES D’HYGIÈNE A L’USAGE DES CAMBODGIENS (texte français et texte Khmèr). Imp. du Protectorat.
1916. SENTENCES ET PROVERBES CAMBODGIENS. Hanoï, B. E. F. E. O. Imp. de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient.
1921. CONTRIBUTION A L’ÉTUDE DES CAMBODGIENS (en collaboration avec M. le D Verneau, professeur au Muséum). Revue « l’Anthropologie ». Paris.
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