Julia Estève

Director of the PhD program at Mahidol University, College of Religious Studies (Thailand), Julia Estève studied History of Religions at the École pratique des Hautes Études in Paris and Philosophy at Sorbonne University. Her research focuses on the different components of the pre-modern Khmer religion, for which she uses archaeological and epigraphical tools as well as Art History.
In particular, she researches Buddhist Monasteries and Educatioon in Ancient Cambodia, as well as religious syncretism in Angkor. In 2009, she co-founded (with Dominique Soutif) the EFEO Epigraphical and Archaelogical Research Project “Les ermitages de Yaçovarman Ier”
Within her epigraphic studies, Julia Esteve has compiled a comparative Table of the Major Alternatie Transliteration Methods for Mainland Southeast Asian Old Scripts.