2017 Inventory of Khmer Inscriptions
by Dominique Soutif & Julia Estève
With 1,360 entries, this inventory of Khmer inscriptions will be soon updated, reaching 1,562 'K." numbers

Publication: CIK - Corpus des Inscriptions Khmeres
Published: 2017
Authors: Dominique Soutif & Julia Estève
Pages: 111
Language : French
pdf 893.9 KB
Revising and completing the inventories established by George Cœdès in 1966 and Claude Jacques in 1971, the authors have added discoveries or revisions brought by several researchers, such as Bruno Bruguier, Chea Socheat (APSARA) and Gerdi Gerschheimer (EPHE).
Entries include location of the inscription, dating, description of medium and type of contents.
The upcoming expanded inventory, completed in March 2021, will refine the list of EFEO or National Library rubbings, the digitization of which will be carried out as part of the updating of the corpus of Khmer inscriptions, in order to have reading material for each inscription in the corpus. This research is part of the CIK-EFEO Project.
Old Khmer inscription photograph presented by linguist Hun Chhunteng during his 2019 conference The Evolution of Khmer scripts at Bophana Center.
To search Old Khmer inscriptions, visit the SEALANG Library Old Khmer Analyzed Inscriptions.
Tags: epigraphy, Khmer inscriptions, archaeology, linguistics
About the Authors

Dominique Soutif
After becoming a Doctor in Indian Studies at Université Paris III — his thesis dealt with the Religious and Secular Organization of the Khmer Temples between the 7th and 13th centuries –, Dominique Soutif joined the EFEO Siem Reap Branch in 2009, which he supervised until 2019.
An archaeologist,epigraphist and associate professor with EFEO, he has developed several programs for the study of the Yasovarman I’s ashrams — with Julia Estève (EPHE) –, and joined the Program for Khmer Inscriptions Corpus (EFEO/EPHE), the inventory of Ancient Cambodia epigraphic resources initiated by George Coedès and Claude Jacques.
Since May 2019, Dominique Soutif is part of the DHARMA project ERC 809994, a 6‑year field-study and documentation program financed through the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020.

Julia Estève
Director of the PhD program at Mahidol University, College of Religious Studies (Thailand), Julia Estève studied History of Religions at the École pratique des Hautes Études in Paris and Philosophy at Sorbonne University. Her research focuses on the different components of the pre-modern Khmer religion, for which she uses archaeological and epigraphical tools as well as Art History.
In particular, she researches Buddhist Monasteries and Educatioon in Ancient Cambodia, as well as religious syncretism in Angkor. In 2009, she co-founded (with Dominique Soutif) the EFEO Epigraphical and Archaelogical Research Project “Les ermitages de Yaçovarman Ier”
Within her epigraphic studies, Julia Esteve has compiled a comparative Table of the Major Alternatie Transliteration Methods for Mainland Southeast Asian Old Scripts.