Olivier de Bernon

Olivier de Bernon (1957, Paris) is a linguist, researcher and Khmerologist, an EFEO member since 1991 and the author of the first catalog of Cambodian liturgical and sacred texts within the Fonds pour l’édition des manuscrits du Cambodge (FEMC), under the high patronage of H.M. the late King Sihanouk.
While contributing to the restoration and archiving of venerable libraries in Cambodia (Wat Saravan in Phnom Penh, Phum Thmei Serey Mongkol Monatery in Kompong Cham province), Olivier de Bernon has published several books and essays on Khmer modern history, linguistics and Khmer Theravada tradition.
Olivier de Bernon served as General-Director of Musée Guimet (MNAAG) in Paris from 2011 to 2013.