L'art de l'Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian Arts]

by Collective

From protohistory to traditional craftmanship, from Burma to Sulawesi, a rich collection of studies in Southeast Asia arts.

Art Sea Bonheur Cover

Type: hardback

Publisher: Editio; Citadelles & Mazenod, Paris.

Edition: Donation CCF Siem Reap

Published: 1994

Author: Collective

Pages: 635

ISBN: 2-85088-062-0

Language : French

ADB Library Catalog ID: ART-SEA2

Foreword by Albert Le Bonheur

La protohistoire (Protohistory) by Maud Girard-Geslan – Burma, Thailand, Dong Son in Vietnam. [Protohistory is the period between prehistory and history].

L’art de la Birmanie (Burmese Art) by Donald Stadner (translated from English by Christiane Thiollier) — Pyu, Mon, Pagan, Konbaung Dynasty.

L’art de la Thailande et du Laos (Art in Thailand and Laos) by Valérie Zaleski.

L’art Khmer (Khmer Art) by Thierry Zéphir — chronological study from Oc Eo to post-Bayon period.

L’art du Champa (Champa Art) by Alfred Le Bonheur — from Lin-yi to Po Romé and the treasures of the Cham Kings’.

L’art vietnamien (Vietnamese Art) by Maud Girard-Geslan — architecture, sculpture, ceramics, paintings.

L’art indonésien (Indonesian Art) by Marijke J. Klokke — including Buddha representations, Borobodur, later art forms in Java and Bali.

Les arts traditionnels (Traditional Arts) by Maud Girard-Geslan.


Goddess Durga trampling the buffalo monster, Central Java period (732928), Shiva Temple, Prambanan, Java.


Ceremonial tapestry (Ikat), early 20th century, Kandal, Cambodia.

Tags: Southeast Asia, arts, Khmer arts, Sukhotai, Java, Thai, Indian influences, statuary, traditional houses, textiles, ceramics, sacred arts, China, bronze, material culture, crosscultural studies

About the Author

