Books Books The Indianized States of Southeast Asia
The English translation of a reference book on Southeast Asia ancient historyBooks ПУТЕШЕСТВІЕ ГОСУДАРЯ ИМПЕРАТОРА НИКОЛАЯ II НА ВОСТОКЪ (ВЪ 1890—1891) | Travel of Emperor Nikolai II to the East
Siam, Annam, and (indirectly) Cambodia in this recollection of Tsarevich Nikolai II's travel to Asia.Publications Khmer Empire and Southeast Asia, 800-1450
A summary of the history of Khmer Empire and neighboring cultures through architecture.Books A New Voyage Round The World
Adventurer and gifted explorer William Dampier's view on early Southeast AsiaPublications Epigraphical Texts and Sculptural Steles Produced under the Vīrabhadravarmadevas of 15th-Century Campā
Inscriptions reflect a unified and diverse Kingdom of Champa in the 15th century, before its collapse.Books L'art de l'Asie du Sud-Est [Southeast Asian Arts]
From protohistory to traditional craftmanship, from Burma to Sulawesi, a rich collection of studies in Southeast Asia arts.Books Indian Cultural Influence in Cambodia
A reference study on early Cambodia, Angkor civilization and its links to Indian culture.Themes SEA & Cambodia
Books Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin-China
A lively description of mainland Southeast Asia in the 1820s.Publications Gongs, Bells, and Cymbals: The Archaeological Record in Maritime Asia from the ninth to the seventeenth centuries
The circulation of musical instruments around Asia, in particular those in bronze, and what it tells us about regional trade in ancient times.Publications Animaux fantastiques de l'Indochine, de l'Insulinde et de la Chine
How legendary animal figures, in particular makara and dragons, evolved in Cambodia under Javanese and Chinese influences, finding new, genuine forms.Publications The Reign of Suryavarman I and Royal Factionalism at Angkor
Usurper or legitimate continuator of the Indravarman dynasty in the 11th century? The case for Suryavarman I.Publications Политическая история и политическая организация раннесредневековой Индонезии (V–начало X в.) | Early Indonesian States, 5th-10th centuries
На островах Индонезии в V–VIII вв. сложились индиани-зированные ранние государства.Publications Protecting the Protector of Phimai
Were the builders of Phimai following a "visual narrative program"?Publications Udayādityavarman Ier : Une énigme au début du XI e siècle au Cambodge (The Udayadityavarman I Enigma)
Was the short-lasting King Udayadiyavarman, successor of Jayavarman V, coming from Bali and Java?Books Le Royaume de Champa | The Kingdom of Champa
Mainly based on Chinese sources and local inscriptions, the formidable study on the Kingdom of Champa and what it tells us about AngkorBooks A History of Early South East Asia
A major study on regional and global trade historic phases, their impact on development of polities and kingdoms around 1th-16th centuries Southeast asia.