Tonle Sap Lake CAPFISH-Pavilion Documentation
Documentation database on ecotourism perspectives for TSBR area.

Published: October 2022
Languages : English, French, Khmer, German, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese
CAPFISH Program ‘Support to Cambodia Fishing Communities Livelihoods’
Inventory and aggregation of existing documentation
a) Books, Book Sections, Articles, Dissertations, Reports
- AGYEIWAAH Elizabeth, MCKERCHER Bob andd SUNTIKUL Watanee, ‘Identifying core indicators of sustainable tourism: A path forward?’, Tourism Management Perspectives 24:26 – 33, Oct. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2017.07.005.
- ARIAS Mauricio E., COCHRANE Thomas A. and ELLIOTT Vittoria, ‘Modelling future changes of habitat and fauna in the Tonle Sap wetland of the Mekong’, Environmental Conservation, June 2013.
- ARIAS Mauricio E., PIMAN T., LAURI H., COCHRANE T.A., KUMMU M., ‘Dams on Mekong tributaries as significant contributors of hydrological alterations to the Tonle Sap Floodplain in Cambodia’, Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences 18, 5303 – 5315, 2014.
- BAILLEUX Renaud, ‘Des histoires, des hommes et des êtres surnaturels’, in The Tonle Sap Great Lake: A Pulse of Life, Asia Horizon Books, 2002 (in French)
- BEARNE Suzanne, ‘Could you pledge not to fly on a plane for a whole year?’, BBC Business, 25 Feb. 2022.
- BENSLEY Bill, ‘Sensible Sustainable Solutions, 16 suggestions for designing better hotels to help fight climate change and make the world a better place’, self-edited, 2020.
- BROSSARD DE CORBIGNY Jules Marcel, Elephant train, Phnom Penh to Bangkok in 1871, translated by Jim Mizerski, Jasmine Image Machine, Phnom Penh, 2017.
- CÂN Thu Vanh and al.,´ĐÁNH GIÁ SỰ BIẾN ĐỔI DÒNG CHẢY MẶT TẠI CÁC ĐIỂM ĐẶC TRƯNG TRONG VÙNG ĐỒNG THÁP MƯỜI´[Evaluation of Flow Changes in Specific Points in Dong Thap Muoi Area), University of Natural Resources and Environment, Ho Chi Minh City, Aug. 2018 (in Vietnamese).
- CHAN Bunyeth, BROSSE Sébastien, HOGAN Zeb S., NGOR Peng Bun and LEK Sovan, ‘Influence of Local Habitat and Climatic Factors on the Distribution of Fish Species in the Tonle Sap Lake’, Water 12:786, MDPI, 12 March 2020.
- CHEN Aifang and CHEN Deliang et al., ‘Multidecadal variability of the Tonle Sap Lake flood pulse régime’, Hydrological Processes 35 (9) (in press), July 2021, DOI 10.1002/hyp.14327.
- CHEN Aifang, CHEN Anping, VARIS Olli and CHEN Deliang, ‘Large net forest loss in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake protected areas during 1992 – 2019’, Springer. (See online version).
- COETZEE Willem J.L., An integrated sustainable tourism development strategy for the Vredefort Dome as a World Heritage Site, PhD. Thesis, North West University, Potchefstroom, 2004.
- COMPAGNIE FLUVIALE DU MEKONG, ‘Siem Reap to Saigon luxury river cruise’, updated link March 2022.
- COULLERY, Agustina, ‘Isla Santay Observatory / Natura Futura Arquitectura + Juan Carlos Bamba’, ArchDaily, 2022.
- DE XUN CHUA Samuel et al., ‘Drastic decline of flood pulse in the Cambodian floodplains (Mekong River and Tonle Sap system)’, Hydrology & Earth System Sciences-EGU, 2022.
- DUDGEON David, ‘River Rehabilitation for Conservation of Fish Biodiversity in Monsoonal Asia’, Ecology and Society, Vol. 10, No. 2, Dec. 2005.
- E Guard Environmental Services, ‘Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report including Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) of Aureum Palace Resort & Spa, proposed by Myanmar Treasure Hotel & Resort Group Co. Ltd.’, 2015.
- FAO, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020, Sustainability in action, Rome, 2020, 224p. ISSN 2410 – 5902.
- FIORELLA Kathryn J., BAGEANT E. R., KIM M., SEAN V., TRY V., MACDONELL H. J., BARAN E., KURA Y., BROOKS A. C., BARRETT C.B. and THILSTED S., ‘Analyzing drivers of fish biomass and biodiversity within community fish refuges in Cambodia’, Ecology and Society 24(3):18, 2019.
- GILDEA Mitchell H., ‘State Water Resource Competition and the Resulting Consequences of Diminished Water Supply’ (Case 2: The Mekong River), Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2014.
- GSTC Industry Criteria for Hotels and Tour Operators, Version 3, 21 Dec. 2016.
- HATDA An Pich and QUIBELL Edward, ‘Sustainable Development in the Mekong Basin: the Role of the Mekong River’s Water Diplomacy’, JGMS, Vol. I, June 2019, pp 35 – 47.
- HORTLE K.G., LIENG S. and VALBO-JORGENSEN J., ‘An introduction to Cambodia’s inland fisheries’, Mekong Development Series No. 4., 2004, Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 41 pages, ISSN 1680 – 4023.
- HUNT Luke,‘Mekong Drought Enters Fourth Years; Worst Conditions in 60 Years’, VOA News, 11 Feb. 2022.
- KESKINEN Marko, ‘The Lake with Floating Villages: Socioeconomic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Lake’, Water Resources Development Vol. 22, No. 3, 463 – 480, September 2006.
- KESKINEN Marko, KAKONEN Mira, PROM Tola and VARIS Olli, ‘The Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: water-related conflicts with abundance of water’, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2007, ISSN 1749 – 852X.
- KOSTERIN Oleg E., ‘Odonata of the great Lake Tonle Sap of Cambodia, as examined in 2017 – 2019’, IDF Report 154, Oct. 2020.
- KUMMU Matti et al., ‘Ecosystem Management of the Tonle Sap Lake: An Integrated Modelling Approach’, International Journal of Water Resources Development 22(3):497 – 519, September 2006.
- Langphum Capital, Northwest Tonle Sap Ecotourism Development Study Case, January 2024.
- LAPTEFF Sergey, ‘On Post-Hellenistic Influences in Southeast Asia, Based on New Materials Recently Found in Southern Thailand and around Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia’, in Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 22, pp 295 – 320 |, 2016.
- LE Hue Huong, BUI Loan Thuy and NGUYEN Thi Phuong Linh, ‘Promoting Participation in Local Natural Resource Management through Ecological Cultural Tourism: Case Study in Vam Nao Reservoir Area, An Giang. Province, Vietnam’, Journal of Asian and African Studies, 21 Aug 2020.
- LIM Solinn, ‘The Mekong Subregion’s Growth Paradigm and Commitments to Reduce Inequalities’, JMGS 4, 2020, pp 17 – 30.
- LONG Kimmarita, Tonle Sap Lake Forest Replanting Underway’, Phnom Penh Post, 21 Feb. 2022.
- LONG Kimmarita, ‘Oxfam, Sai team up on Mekong’, Phnom Penh Post, 22 March 2022.
- LONG Pham P., ‘Sun on the Lake Saves the Mekong: Simple Feasibility Analysis of a Tonle Sap Floating Solar Project with Storage System’, Viet Ecology Foundation, Nov. 2019.
- LOVGREN Stefan, ‘Cambodia’s biggest lake is running dry, taking forests and fish with it’, National Geographic, Sciences Section, 17 Aug. 2020.
- LUCO Fabienne, ‘La gestion communautaire et la société traditionnelle cambodgienne: Villages dans la forêt inondée du lac Tonle Sap’, Socio-Anthropological Report on Kompong Khleang Commune for the GCP/CMB/002/BEL Project (F.A.O. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Belgian Development Co-operation, Min. of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia), May-June 1997, 143 p.
- LY Sarann, ‘Environmental Changes in Tonle Sap Lake and its Floodplain: Status and Policy Recommendations’, 2020. (pdf requested)
- LY Sarann and al., ‘Establishment of Environmental Conservation Platform of Tonle Sap Lake’, Research Gate Project, 2016- .
- LY Sophanna, UK Sovannara, NGOC-BAO Pham, YOSHIMURA Chihiro, ‘Ecosystem services of flooded forests in a large tropical floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake’, S13‑O Report to the 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021), Gwangju, Korea, Aug. 2021.
- MAY Phue Wai, CHEM Vibol, EANG Khy Eam, CHHIN Rattana, SIEV Sokly, HEU Rina, ‘Accessing the Impact of Floating Houses on Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia’, Sustainability 14 (02747), 2022.
- MAK Sithirith and GRUNDY-WARR Carl,‘Spaces of Engagement and Contested Territories of the Tonle Sap’, paper prepared for the RCSD Conference in Chiang Mai, 27 – 29 Feb. 2007.
- MARSTON John and HOEUR Chhuon, ‘Disputas de tierras y aguas en la planicie de inundación del lago Tonlé Sap de Camboya’, Estudios de Asia y África LI, 1, 2016.
- MIMIYEVA Valentina, Tonle Sap Ecotourism Sites Prospection, Pavilion for CAPFISH, Sept. 2022.
- MINISTRY of ENVIRONMENT (MoE) and MINISTRY of RURAL DEVELOPMENT (MRD), Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (CSLEP) and Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF), Feb. 2020, 31 pp.
- MRD, ‘Preparing the Provincial/Rural Road Asset Management Project’, with ADB, Phnom Penh, 2010.
- MoE and LLEE (NEEAC), Tonle Sap Information Guide, ed. Peter Starr, Chum Som Onn, Pich Sokdany and Keat Bunthan, Phnom Penh, 2007.
- MINISTRY OF TOURISM CAMBODIA, Tourism Statistics Report, Dec. 2020, Phnom Penh; Tourism Statistics Report, Feb. 2022, Phnom Penh.
- MOURA Jean, ‘Notes sur la peche du Tonli-Sap’, Revue maritime et coloniale, LXI, March-June 1879, pp 535 – 53.
- MOZUMDER Mohammad Mojibul Hoque, UDDIN Mohammad Muslem, SCHNEIDER Petra, ISLAM Mohammad Mahmudul, and SHAMSUZZAMAN Md. Mostafa, ‘Fisheries-Based Ecotourism in Bangladesh: Potentials and Challenges’, Resources, 2018, 7, 61; doi:10.3390/resources7040061.
- MRC, SIMVA 2018 — Report on 2018 baseline survey of the Lower Mekong mainstream and floodplain areas, Vientiane, Oct. 2021. ISSN: 2789 – 245X.
- NAKAHATA Akihiro, ‘Sustainable Ecotourism in the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia’, Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES), 2003.
- NEANG Malyne, MERAL Philippe, AZNAR Olivier and DESPRES Christophe, ‘Trade-offs between ecosystem services and opportunity costs of ES maintaining in the Tonle Sap Lake agro-ecosystem (Cambodia)’, PhD Thesis on Environmental Services Payments Schemes for Cambodian Agriculture, Jan. 2018.
- NG Ting Hui and al., ‘Annotated checklist of freshwater molluscs from the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia’, ZooKeys 958: 107 – 141, 2020.
- NGUI Yantoultra,‘Vietnam’s Mekong Capital plans Southeast Asia climate fund as early as 2024’, Reuters, May 30, 2023.
- NIELSEN Hannah and SPENCELEY Anna, ‘The Success of Tourism in Rwanda: Gorillas and More’, Background Paper for World Development Program, WB, 2011.
- National Institute of Statistics (NIS), ‘General Population Census of Cambodia 2019’, Phnom Penh, Oct. 2020.
- OECD, OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2020, OECD Publishing, Paris,….
- OEURNG Chantha, COCHRANE Thomas A., CHUNG Sarit, KONDOLF Mathias G., PIMAN Thanapon and ARIAS Mauricio E., ‘Assessing Climate Change Impacts on River Flows in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin’, Water 11:618, MDPI, 12 March 2019.
- OXFAM and CSRD, People Protecting their Ecosystem in the Lower Mekong Region, online brochure, April 2021.
- PAVILION-MAADS, Capfish Private Sector Exploration Report Sept-Oct 2022.
- PAVILION-MAADS, Capfish Private Sector Exploration Report January 2023.
- PAVILION-MAADS, Capfish Private Sector Exploration Closing Report, May 2023.
- PHUONG, N.T.H, ‘The development of Cai Rang floating market tourism in Can Tho city, Vietnam: From policy to practice’, Can Tho University Journal of Science. Vol 5: 47 – 58, 2017.
- POKHREL Yadhu and al., ‘A Review of the Integrated Effects of Changing Climate, Land Use, and Dams on Mekong River Hydrology’, MDPI, Water, 10: 266, 3 March 2018. doi:10.3390/w10030266.
- PRAKAS n 294 ‘on the Implementation of the Below 10 ha SSEDP in Natural Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Corridors’, 23 Aug. 2022, MoE, Phnom Penh.
- RAMSAR CONVENTION, The 4th Strategic Plan 2016 – 2024, adopted by the 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties at Punta del Este, Uruguay, 1 – 9 June 2015, through Resolution XII.2, 2016.
- RAWLINS Maurice, KORNEXL Werner, BARAL Sumit, RAY Nick, Enabling Ecotourism Development in Cambodia, The World Bank & PROFOR, Washington, June 2020, 156 p.
- ROBERTS Tyson R., ‘Fish Scenes, Symbolism and Kingship in the Bas-Reliefs of Angkor Wat and the Bayon’, Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society (NHBSS), 50(2): 135 – 93, August 2002.
- ROBERTS Tyson R., ‘Just another Dammed River? Negative Impacts of Pak Mun Dam on Fishes of the Mekong Basin’, NHBSS 1993, 41, pp 105 – 33.
- ROSHKO Tijen, ‘The Floating Dwellings of Chong Kneas, Cambodia’, Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Fall 2011), pp. 43 – 59, University of Minnesota Press.
- ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF CAMBODIA, Tourism Development Master Plan Siem Reap 2021 – 2035, March 2021, Phnom Penh, 225 p (unofficial English translation).
- RY Sochan, ‘Mekong River data sharing key to impact measurement’, The Phnom Penh Post, 14 March 2022.
- SALAMANCA Albert and NGUYEN Ha, ‘Climate change adaptation readiness in the ASEAN countries’, Stockholm Environment Institute, 2016.
- SARKULLA Juha, KIIRIKKI Mikko, KOPONEN Jorma and KUMMU Matti, ‘Ecosystem processes of the Tonle Sap Lake’, full paper for 1st Workshop of Ecotone Phase II, 2003, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.
- SAVAGE Melissa, ‘Ecological Disturbance and Nature Tourism’, Geographical Review 83:3, pp. 290 – 300, July 1993.
- SEIFF Abby, Troubling the Water: a dying lake and a vanishing world in Cambodia, Potomac Books, University of Nebraska Press, 2022, 142 p. ISBN 9781640125247.
- SENG Ratha, ‘Livelihoods in the changing Tonle Sap: past, present and future. Biodiversity and Ecology’, PhD Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier — Toulouse III, 2017. NNT: 2017TOU30365.
- SERRAT Olivier, GALLEGO-LIZON Tatiana, MOFFATT David, The Tonle Sap Basin Strategy, Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2005, Manila, 54 p.
- SERRAT Olivier, MOFFATT David, From Strategy to Practice: The Tonle Sap Initiative, Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2006, Manila, 64 p.
- SHIGA PREFECTURE, Lake Biwa Guidebook, 2018, Japan. Chap 1 and Chap 2.
- SIDLE Roy C., ZIEGLER Alan D. and VOGLER John B., ‘Contemporary changes in open water surface area of Lake Inle, Myanmar’, Sustainability Science, April 2007.
- SILVA (de) Sanjiv, MIRATORI Kim, BASTAKOTI Ram C. and RATNER Blake D., ‘Collective Action and Governance Challenges in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia’, in Water Governance and Collective Action, ed. Diana Suhardiman, Alan Nicol, Everisto Mapedza, 2017, Routledge ISBN 9781138040595, 202 p, 24 B/W illustrations (p 108 – 19).
- SMAJGL Alex, WARD John R., FORAN Tira, DORE John and SILVA Larson, ‘Visions, beliefs, and transformation: exploring cross-sector and transboundary dynamics in the wider Mekong region’, Ecology and Society 20 (2):15, 2015.
- SOK Sikhita, ‘ARDB launches special financing project-II’, Khmer Times, 23 March 2022.
- SORN Sarath, ‘Government to Boost New Tourist Development Zones’, Khmer Times, 4 June 2020.
- SOUTER Nick, ‘How to Find A Fishing Cat in Cambodia’, Fauna & Flora International, 26 Nov. 2015.
- TCBP and AFD, ‘The Decline of International Tourism Numbers in Siem Reap’, MTC, September 2019.
- TOMAZ Carolina, ‘Quelle tendances pour le tourisme en 2022?’, L’ADN, 20 Sept. 2021.
- TONLE SAP CONSERVATION PROJECT (TSCP), ‘Prek Toal Core Area Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve Management Plan 2007−2011’, with the support of the Ministry of Environment, Phnom Penh, June 2007.
- TRIP TIP, ‘Guide to Exploring Tonle Sap Lake & Floating Village’, 20 Dec. 2021.
- TSHIPALA N.N., COETZEE W.J.L. and POTGIETER M., ‘Stakeholders willingness to apply sustainable adventure tourism indicators: a case of Waterval Boven in South Africa’, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol. 3 (1), 2014. ISSN: 2223 – 814X.
- ULLAH Kazi Masel, ‘Finding suitable locations for eco-tourism development in Cox’s Bazar’, MD Thesis, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Jan. 2013.
- UN-REDD and al., Women’s Inclusion in REDD+ in Cambodia: Lessons from Good Practices in Forest,
Agriculture and Other Natural Resources Management Sectors, Sep. 2013. - VARIS Olli and KESKINEN Marko, ‘Socio-economic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Region, Cambodia: Building Links and Capacity for Targeted Poverty Alleviation’, Water Resources Development, Vol. 19, No. 2, 295 – 310, June 2003.
- VOYAPON, Ecotourism Farm Visit in Shiga Prefecture, 2022.
- WALTER Pierre and SEN Vicheth, ‘A geography of ecotourism in Cambodia: regions, patterns, and potentials’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 23(3):1 – 15, Jan. 2018.
- WANG Ye, FENG Lian, LIU Junguo, HOU Xuejiao and CHEN Deliang, ‘Changes of inundation area and water turbidity of Tonle Sap Lake: responses to climate changes or upstream dam construction?’, Environmental Research Letters 15, 30 June 2020.
- WILLCOX Daniel, VISAL Sun and MAHOOD Simon P., ‘The Conservation Status of Otters in Prek Toal Core Area, Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia’, 2016 Report, IUCN Otter Special Group Bulletin 33(1), 2016.
- YOSHIMURA Chihiro, KHANAL Rajendra, UK Sovannara and SIEV Sokly, Environmental Changes in Tonle Sap Lake and its Floodplain: Status and Policy Recommendations, IGES-ITC, Tokyo-Phnom Penh, 2020, 159 p., ISBN: 978−4−88788−230−0.
- YOSHIMURA Chihiro, KHANAL Rajendra, UK Sovannara, Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake, Springer, May 2022 ISBN: 978 – 9811666315.
b) Links
- Tonle Sap Ecotourism Potential: A Private Sector Assessment Official Website.
- Online Summary of MAADS/Pavilion reports
- Field Report DSI: RTPs, CTDs, CSRTs and POIs cards
- Google Earth Pro Map online (or request updated .kmz file email hidden; JavaScript is required)
- Online Documentation (hosted by Angkor Database)
- Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) EarthRanger Conservation Technology Program
- Ama by Taj
- Angkor Database (history, anthropology, sociology, biodiversity).
- AviBase Birds of Cambodia Checklist
- Cambodia Images
- Cambodian Ministry of Tourism (MTC)
- City Population Interactive Map
- Compagnie Fluviale du Mekong (CFMekong)
- Connexion (largest sustainable repurposed architecture project in Cambodia)
- CSRD (Center for Social Research and Development, Vietnam)
- Earth Trekkers (3‑month stays in SEA)
- Easia Travel Cambodia
- Emerging360 (consulting firm specialized in inclusive tourism)
- Explora Expeditions (ecotourism, Europe only)
- FACT (Fisheries Action Coalition Team)
- FairMoove (ecotourism travel agency)
- G Adventures (ecotourism, USA)
- GLEV Live Evaporation Ratio of Lakes worldwide, launched by researchers Gang Zhao and Huilin Gao.
- Global Heritage Fund (GHF) Asia
- GSTC Criteria & Indicators
- Hello Angkor Travels
- HydroLAKES (data production on lakes, rivers and basins worldwide)
- IndochinaVIP Tours
- Journal of Greater Mekong Studies
- Jungloo (MAADS)
- Khmer Detours (Ecotours on Tonle Sap, founded 2011)
- Kompong Khleang Website
- Lac de Brindos (France) Floating Lodges
- Living Cambodia Blog
- MaterialConneXion
- Mekong Delta Plan
- Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO)
- Mekong Wonders (with the support of USAID). Also known as Wonders of the Mekong.
- Mekong Conservation Heroes program.
- MRC Online Drought Monitoring
- Scientific Reports
- Open Development Cambodia
- Oxfam Cambodia
- Pavilion Oasis Heritage Hotel Phnom Penh
- Phum Prey Chas Floating Village
- Ramsar Convention Cambodia
- Sam Veasna Conservation Tours
- The International Ecotourism Society
- The Jungloo, A Cambodian Concept
- TOURISMOS (international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, Chios, Greece)
- Travelife (International Accommodation Sustainability Program)
- Triple K Angkor Travels & Tours
- Water in Architecture (Arch Daily Forum)
- WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) Cambodia
- Wonders of the Mekong
c) Films, Photo & Audio Material
- Exploring Tonle Sap Lake, 2023 video by MAADS-Pavilion Research Team.
- ‘Le Tonle Sap, grenier aquatique’, ARTE, Invitation au Voyage, by Ruxandra ANNONIER, 4 Nov. 2021 (access from Europe only).
- ‘Tonlé Sap Lake: An Ecosystem in Delicate Balance’, SLICE, Feb. 2021, extract from “The secret life of lakes – Tonlé Sap, the Beating Heart of Cambodia” (dir. Bernard Guerrini & Mathias Schmitt, prod. ZED, ARTE France & Productions Nova Média).
- ‘Life on the water: A floating village on Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia’, Globetrottergirls photo essay, updated March 2022.
- ‘The Changing World of Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake’, Wonders of the Mekong, 16 Sept. 2020.
- ‘Fish Port at Tonle Sap Lake | Khmer Rural Life’, BORIN Cambo, 9 Oct. 2021.
- ‘Zalmaï – a Photographer Goes about Putting Communities of the Tonle Sap Lake in the Limelight’, Cambodianess, 13 Dec. 2020.
- ‘Cambodian fishermen see livelihoods threatened by climate change and dam activity’, South China Morning Post, Jan. 2021.
- Suthep Kritsanavarin photo-exhibition on the Tonle Sap Lake at Bopphana Center, Phnom Penh, May 2022.
- Interview with Monterey Bay Aquarium researchers on the Mekong River biodiversity after the discovery of a giant stingray, the biggest freshwater specimen known so far, June 2022.
- Jungloo at Templation Angkor Resort, a video report by Homes-Art, June 2022 (in Khmer).
Photo: Mo’at Kla area, September 2022 (by Valentina Mimyeva)
Tags: Tonle Sap Lake, ecotourism, sanctuaries, tourism, reference documents, nature conservation, heritage conservation