The Botanist's Corner

by Angkor Database

Angkor Database 'Botanist's Corner' aspires at furthering the titanic work initiated by Cambodian botanist Pauline Dy Pho

Dyphon Tadehagi Godefroyanum

Publication: ADB Special Online Projects

Published: 2021

Author: Angkor Database

Pages: 1

The work of Pauline Dy Phon (19332010)

Further Readings

Herbal Medicine in Cambodia

Pascal Medevilles Notices on Tela Botanica

The author completes the botanical description of each species with the cultural context in which it appears in Cambodian history and culture (in French).

Going greener

Angkor Mushrooms

Mushrooms in Cambodia

Mushroom, the conspicuous umbrella-shaped fruiting body (sporophore) of certain fungi, typically of the order Agaricales in the phylum Basidiomycota but also of some other groups. Popularly, the term mushroom is used to identify the edible sporophores (Enc. Britannica). In Cambodia, mushrooms are often used for medicinal treatments.

  • In 2016, a team of Korean researchers led by Jong Kyu Lee publishe A Checklist of Mushrooms of Cambodia [Journal of Forest and Environmental Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 49 – 65, February, 2017] reviewing 3,950 mushroom specimens collected from the Central Cardamom Protected Forest (CCPF) in Koh Kong province, the Kirirom National Park (KNP) in Kampong Speu province, the Seima Biodiversity Conservation Area (SBCA) in Kratie province, the Mondulkiri Protected Forest (MPF) in Mondulkiri province, the Phnom Bokor National Park (PBNP) in Kampot province, the Western Siem Pang Protected Forest (SPPF) in Stung Treng province, the Ream National Park (RNP) in Sihanoukville province of Cambodia from 2009 to 2014, and then they were identified and classified into 302 species, 165 genera, and 64 families by morphological and genetical characteristics. The mushrooms belongs to Ascomycota were classified into 26 species, 14 genera, and 10 families, while those belongs to Basidiomycota were classified into 276 species, 151 genera, and 54 families, respectively. Among these mushrooms, the most species-rich families are Polyporaceae (26.2%), Marasmiaceae (9.1%), Ganodermataceae (7.7%), Hymenochaetaceae (7.5%), and Mycenaceae (7.1%), and comprised 57.5% of the total specimens identified.”


Profile of evergreen swamp forest showing the characteristic species. Height and length approximately 35×50 m. (1) Shorea guiso, (2) Archidendron clypearia, (3) Areca triandra, (4) Sindora siamensis, (5) Myristica iners, (6) Fagraea racemosa, (7) Livistona saribus, (8) Macaranga triloba, (9) Licuala spinosa, (10) Eugenia albiflora, (11) Cibotium barometz. (12) Litsea sp. (13) Dipterocarpus costatus, (14) Pternandra caerulescens (from Evergreen swamp forest in Cambodia…, op.cit.)

Tags: botanic, fauna and flora, Cambodian forest, wood, heritage conservation, biodiversity, biodiversity conservation, mushrooms

About the Author


Angkor Database

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