Photos Publications Is the Siem Reap River a river?
No, it's a 'channel', an artificial watershed, reply the authors, became a river in modern era. And we add new perspectives for this channel-river.Books គំរូក្បាច់ខ្មែរ សម្រាប់ប្រើក្នុងការប៉ាក់របស់ ព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ក្សត្រី | Motifs decoratifs khmers a l'usage de la broderie [Khmer Embroidery Patterns]
A unique document on Cambodian decorative patterns and embroidery style from the 1930s, listing kbach elements inherited from ancient traditions.Publications Rivers, Oceans, and Spirits: Water Cosmologies, Gender, and Religious Change in Southeast Asia
The centrality of water in Southeast Asian cosmologies.Books En sampan sur les lacs du Cambodge et a Angkor
A colorful description of Cambodia, its geography and its people at the turn of the century.