Books Publications Au Tonkin, en Cochinchine et au Cambodge
A staunch proponent of French colonialist expansion taking in the state of affairs in Indochina during the troubled mid-1880s.Photos Visions of Angkor by...Martin Hürlimann
Outstanding 1920s pictures by a professional photographer, the first major artistic survey of Angkor after John Thomson's and Emile Gsell's contributions.Books Burma, Ceylon, Indo-China. Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Tongking, Yunnan. Landscape, Architecture, Inhabitants
A magnificent photography work reflecting a journey through "Buddha's Empire".Books L'Annam et le Cambodge, Voyages et récits historiques
With a map of "Indochina", an expanded version of Pere Bouillevaux's 1858 book.Books Nouvelle géographie universelle, La terre et les hommes, VIII: L'Inde et l'Indo-Chine
The astonishingly vivid and detailed Geography of India and Indochina by French free-thinker Élisée Reclus.Publications Notice sur le Royaume de Khmer ou de Kambodge
The earliest contribution on Angkor published in an European scientific journal by a Southeastasian scholar.Links A Collection of pre-1900s Maps of Cambodia
Maps from Dutch, English and French cartographers dating back from the 17th century.Books Индо-Китай (Indochina)
The first popularization book on Indochina published in Russia. Authored by a bestselling female writer.