Official Website for H.M. Norodom Sihanouk, the King-Father The Royal Family of Cambodia and historic documents related to the late King Norodom Sihanouk.
A Theravada Library A precious online resource on Theravada reference texts, translations from Pali, Pali self-study tools.
Cambodian Art, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD, USA Art pieces from Ancient and Medieval Cambodia.
Siddham, The Asia Inscriptions Database A great online resource for inscriptions in the languages of south, central and south-east Asia
Литература по Камбодже — 50 книг | 50 Books About Cambodia (Russian Language) Selection of literature on Cambodia in Russian Language.
Lan Sunnary's Audio Archives | Archives Sonores Lan Sunnary Audio collection of lectures given by eminent researchers in Khmer Studies
EKA, Ancient Khmer Space Online Documentation 'Khmer heritage research and documentation: Building a digital corpus of archaeological and epigraphic data'.
The Journal of The Siam Society Online The prestigious publication in Thai and Southeast Asian studies now online.
Southeast Asian Kingdoms A stimulating travel blog looking for ancient kingdoms behind the facade of modernity.
Cambodian Art at the MET, New York The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art currently holds some 250 artworks from Ancient Cambodia.
A Collection of pre-1900s Maps of Cambodia Maps from Dutch, English and French cartographers dating back from the 17th century. An updated website from The Apsara Authority. APSARA stands for Authority for the Protection and Safeguarding of Angkor and the Region of Angkor.
German Apsara Conservation Project The German Apsara Conservation Project (GACP) is a non-profit organisation initiated by the University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany, and dedicated to… Unconventional, passionate and stimulating revisitation of Angkorian bas-reliefs, with an emphasis on the female figures of the lost civilization, from queens…
Cambodian Archeological Lidar Initiative (CALI) Important resource for Angkor researchers, the LIDAR 2015 campaign is hereby presented with an ongoing discussion around its major discoveries.
Angkor Research Program With Profs Roland Fletcher and Dr. Damian Evans at the helm, a major research program supported by The University of Sydney in collaboration with the Authority…
The Bophana Center Collections Collections from institutions, individuals and NGOs. A fascinating fund constantly enriched, from Adhémard Leclère's or Mimi Palger's photographs to rare…