Publications Books Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia and Laos
The English, more complete version of the historic travelogue by naturalist and explorer Henri Mouhot.Films ល្ខោនគែន រឿងក្រៃថោង, Lakhon Ken Rare Filmed Performance, 2000
A rare film document on the art form of lakhon ken.Publications Aspects socio-economiques du Laos medieval [Socioeconomic Aspects of Medieval Laos]
A "historical materialism"-based study on medieval Laos.Photos Visions of Southeast Asia by....Louis Gascuel
A rare photographic account on Saigon, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore dating back from 1904, by a civil engineer and talented amateur photographer.Photos Visions of Cambodian Dance selected by...Raymond Cogniat
Some wondrous black-and-white photographs of dancers in Cambodia, Laos, Annam and Tonkin (Vietnam), shot in the 1920s.Books Danses d'Indochine [Dances of Indochina]
An enlightening reflexion on Southeast Asian dances, and in particular on Cambodian court dance.Books Five Years in Siam, From 1891 to 1896, Vol I
The first volume of a remarkable account of the Siamese and Laotian societies, geographical surveys and mining explorations.Books Henri Mouhot, premier explorateur du Laos (1826-1861)
A documented profile of the later-acclaimed explorer, who had died in Laos and whose fame had not been yet established.Themes SEA & Cambodia
Links Southeast Asian Kingdoms
A stimulating travel blog looking for ancient kingdoms behind the facade of modernity.Publications The Overland Trading Route between the Khmer Empire and the Champa Kingdoms
The land routes linking two neighbors, foes and trade partners, and the mutual influences in Khmer and Cham cultures.Publications The Jesuits in Cambodia: A Look into Cambodian Religiousness
How did Franciscan, Dominican and Jesuit missionaries interact with the rulers of Cambodia?Publications The Major Role of the Mons in Southeast Asia
Mon and Mon-Khmer tribes came from the North, not from the South: new insights on an old controversy among linguists and historians.Publications Laos Jars Are Slowly Revealing Their Secrets
The mystery of the Plain of Jars, in modern Laos, and what it teaches us about ancient burial rites in Southeast AsiaPublications "Aksoon Khoom": Khmer Heritage in Thai & Lao Manuscript Cultures
The Khoom Script, in its diverse versions, among Thai and Lao manuscripts.Books Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam
An early account of Angkor and pre-colonial Cambodial included in this compendium on the Siamese Kingdom in the 1830s-1850s.Books Comment j'ai parcouru l'Indo-Chine: Birmanie, États shans, Siam, Tonkin, Laos
A European woman's view on Southeast Asia at the turn of the 20th centuryBooks Empire Colonial Francais: Indo-Chine (Cambodia and Laos)
A richly illustrated journey through Indochina, and in particular Cambodia in the early years of the French Protectorate.Books South East Asia in Images, 1935-1938
Collection of drawings and paintings from the students of the Gia Dinh Fine Arts SchoolArchimages Khmer Influence in Faraway Lands
In modern Laos and Thailand, Khmer art of building and sculpting is still highly visible