Publications Publications Puzzling Pavilion
What is the origin of the "Iron Palace", often called "Napoleon" or "Suez", erected in the precinct of the Royal Palace of Cambodia in the 1860s or 1870s?Publications Travelers, Dreamers, Adventurers and Agitators: Common Worlds and Uncommon Lives Across Nineteenth–Century Cambodia
A fascinating exploration of lesser known, unofficial documents and testimonies on pre-colonial Cambodia and the French push for colonization.Publications Exploration du grand fleuve du Cambodge (Septembre 1862) [Exploration of the Great River of Cambodia, Sept. 1862]
A short description of Cambodia and Cochinchina at the early stage of the French Protectorate, "The Admirals' Era".Books Doudart de Lagree au Cambodge et en Indo-chine (Lettres d'un precurseur) [Doudart de Lagree, Letters of a Pioneer]
One of the first publications dedicated to the saga of the Commission d'exploration du Mekong.Books Au coeur du pays khmer: notes cambodgiennes
Notations on Cambodian daily life, politics and mores collected in 1917-1918 by a French "country doctor".Books Vocabulaire francais-cambodgien et cambodgien francais | French-Khmer Vocabulary
A bilingual manual of conversation which is also an interesting snapshot of the first years of the French Protectorate in Cambodia.Books Pistes, fleuves et jungles: A travers l'Indochine et les pays voisins [Trails, Rivers, Jungles: Across Indochina and Neighboring Countries]
A pleasant read from a typical French 'grand reporter' of the 1930s who befriended famous journalist Albert Londres.Publications About Jean Moura's house and Khmer collection
Mystery surrounds the auction sale of the first 'Director of the Protectorate of Cambodia''s archive and collection in 2017.Books En sampan sur les lacs du Cambodge et a Angkor
A colorful description of Cambodia, its geography and its people at the turn of the century.Publications Cambodia in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A quest for survival, 1840-1863
The troubled years of mid-19th century, when Cambodia was struggling to survive as a nation.