Books Photos Visions of Angkor by...John Thomson
Angkor seen by pioneer photographer John Thomson in 1866.Books New Journeys in Old Asia
Back to Cambodia four years after "Angkor the Magnificent", an inspired and sometime visionary travelogue through Asia in the throes of colonialism.Books Essai d'atlas statistique de l'Indochina [A Temptative Statistical Atlas of Indochina]
The first attempt to assess the economic development and potential of French Indochina, with Cochinchina as focus of attention.Books Le Cambodge, Abrégé d'histoire et de géographie | Cambodia, History and Geography Textbook
How the history of Cambodia was taught in Indochina Catholic schools at the start of the 20th centuryBooks L'exotisme indochinois dans la litterature francaise depuis 1860 (2 vol) [Indochinese Exoticism in French Literature since 1860]
A pioneering study on French colonial literature and 'exoticism' from 1860 to the 1930s.Publications One Hundred Years of Solipsism: The Malraux Case Revisited
One century later, André Malraux's raid on Banteay Srei bas-reliefs is still raising interest and controversy.Books Francis Garnier, sa vie, ses voyages, son oeuvre (Francis Garnier, Life, Travels and Work)
A portrait of one of the most controversial members of the Mekong Expedition, and a plea for 'enlightened colonialism' in Indochina.Books Poison Arrows: Strange Journey with an Opium Dreamer, Annam, Cambodia, Siam and The Lotos Isle of Bali
A smart feminist in 1935 Angkor. Sensuality, hints to opium-enticed paradises, Bali women: "Asia lifted its curtain at the moonlit ruins of Angkor."Books Pistes, fleuves et jungles: A travers l'Indochine et les pays voisins [Trails, Rivers, Jungles: Across Indochina and Neighboring Countries]
A pleasant read from a typical French 'grand reporter' of the 1930s who befriended famous journalist Albert Londres.Publications Indochina, ‘Greater France’ and the 1931 Colonial Exhibition in Paris
'Angkor Wat in Blue, White and Red' Since the first 1867 Paris Exposition coloniale, Angkor, or an "ersatz Angkor" -- to use the term coined by the author -- remodeled by French architects without…Books Nouvelle géographie universelle, La terre et les hommes, VIII: L'Inde et l'Indo-Chine
The astonishingly vivid and detailed Geography of India and Indochina by French free-thinker Élisée Reclus.Publications The (Murky) Origin of the Tokyo National Museum Collection of Khmer Art
Ancient Khmer sculptures as "political gifting": the controversial case of cultural exchanges between Colonial France and Imperial Japan during World War II.Publications From Colonial Maps to Visitor's Parcours
A critical interpretation of earlier travel guidebooks and mapping operations as colonial appropriation of the Angkorean space.Publications Post-Colonial Discourses on the Cambodian Court Dance
Rejecting the notion of 'Angkorean tradition', the author emphasizes the Siamese influence on modern times Cambodian Court Dance.Books Empire Colonial Francais: Indo-Chine (Cambodia and Laos)
A richly illustrated journey through Indochina, and in particular Cambodia in the early years of the French Protectorate.